Home About News Courses Design Projects Resources Contact Current ProjectsOld Coach Road Agroforesty>Home >Projects >Old Coach Road >Agroforestry We are planting a variety of trees for use as both timber production and fuel. Fire Wood ProductionThe main tree we have planted for fire wood is sugar gum. Sugar gums come from South Australia and have been planeted in many wind breaks on farms in South West Victoria. Sugar gums make good fire wood, with a high energy content and reseasonable burn. Sugar Gums coppice after being cut, which means they re shoot from the main trunk and in time this new growth can be cut again. Sugar gums also make a good timber, with research showing that they can have a 20 year life in the ground as a post. We have planted sugar gums up slope from the house and sheds to in order to make felling and transport to the house easy and energy efficient, while far enough away to limit fire risk. Timber ProductionWe are planting a range of trees on the property for timber production. These include local black woods (Acacia melanoxylon) that also serve a role in limiting fire risk and reestablishment of the rainforest, and other trees such as tallow wood, californian red woods, red ceder, sasafrass, iron bark, and myrtle beech (Nothofagus cunninghamii). In the long term these will be used to supply speciality timbers. Redwood, Myrtle Beech, Blackwoods and Poplars growing in nursery>Home >Projects >Old Coach Road >Agroforestry |