Home About News Courses Design Projects Resources Contact   System ChangeSave the Planet Red and Blue GatheringsLiving PermacutureWest Preston Old Coach Road Kemp Street    Current Projects - Systems ChangeSave the PlanetA campaign to reverse global warming, implement a sustainable economic system, and create global equity and sharing. When you realise simply putting a permaculture system in your back yard will not save the earth and you must change the system. - more details  Red and Blue GatheringsAnnual gatherings focused on permaculture, food growing, community building, transition and preparation - more detailsCurrent Projects - Living permacultureWest PrestonConversion of city backyard to a thriving permaculture garden and nursery - more details.Old Coach RoadSubstantial development of a coastal block in the Otways, including temperate food forest, agro forestry, revegetation, garden, dams and fire suppression - more details  Past ProjectsKemp StreetConversion of an inner city paved courtyard to a thriving permaculture garden - more details  >Home >Projects |